Uniform Circular Motion 2

Relation Between Angular Displacement and Linear Displacement
Since, Angle = arc/radius
Anglular Displacement = arc P1P2/radius
θ = s/r
Angular Velocity – Rate of change of angular displacement of a body with respect to time is known as angular displacement. It is represented by ω.
Average Angular Velocity – It is defined as the ratio of total angular displacement to total time taken.
ωavg = Total Angular Displacement/Total Time Taken
ωavg = Δθ/Δ t
Instantaneous Angular Velocity – Angular velocity of a body at some particular instant of time is known as instantaneous angular velocity.
Average angular velocity evaluated for very short duration of time is known as instantaneous angular velocity.
ω = Lim ωavg = Δθ/Δt
ω = dθ/dt
Relation Between Angular Velocity and Linear Velocity We know that angular velocity
We know that  angular velocity
ω = dθ/dt
Putting, θ = s/r
ω = d (s/r)/dt
or, ω = 1 ds/r dt
or, ω = v/r
or, v = rω
Time Period of Uniform Circular Motion – Total time taken by the particle performing uniform circular motion to complete one full circular path is known as time period.
]In one time period total angle rotated by the particle is 2p and time period is T. Hence angular velocity
ω = 2
p/T or, T = 2p/ω   
Frequency - Number of revolutions made by the particle moving on circular path in one second is known as frequency.
f = 1/T = ω/
Centripetal Acceleration – When a body performs uniform circular motion its speed remains constant but velocity continuously changes due to change of direction. Hence a body is continuously accelerated and the acceleration experienced by the body is known as centripetal acceleration (that is the acceleration directed towards the center)

 Note: Here p is pie (π)

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