Magnetic Field due to Current through a Conductor

Magnetic Field due to Current through a straight Conductor:

→ It can be represented by concentric circles at every point on conductor.

→ Direction can be given by right hand thumb rule or compass.

→ Circles are closer near the conductor.

→ Magnetic field ∝ Strength of current.

→ Magnetic field ∝ 1/Distance from conductor

Magnetic Field due to Current through a coaching Circular Loop:

→ It can be represented by concentric circle at every point.

→ Circles become larger and larger as we move away.

→ Every point on wire carrying current would give rise to magnetic field appearing as straight line at centre of the loop.

→ The direction of magnetic field inside the loop is same.

Factors affecting magnetic field of a circular current carrying conductor 


→ Magnetic field ∝ Current passing through the conductor

→ Magnetic ∝ 1/Distance from conductor

→ Magnetic field ∝ No. of turns in the coil

→ Magnetic field is additive in nature i.e., magnetic field of one loop add

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