Spherical Mirrors 2

Image formation:

For concave mirror:
When object is at infinity ( long distance from mirror):

 At focus,  Point image, real and inverted
Nature of image
At focus,  Point image, real and inverted

Object beyond the center of curvature

  Between  C and F  , Diminished , Real , inverted
Nature of image
Between  C and F  , Diminished , Real , inverted
Object at centre of curvature

Nature of image
At  C ,  Equal  , Real , inverted
Object between centre of curvature and focus

Nature of image
Beyond C ,  Enlarged,  Real, , inverted

Object at focus

Nature of image
At infinity , Highly enlarged , real , inverted

Object between focus and pole

Nature of image
Behind Pole,  Enlarged,  virtual , erect

For convex mirror:
When object is at infinity ( long distance from mirror):

Nature of image
Point image, virtual and erect
Object is at finite distance from mirror
Nature of image
Diminished,  virtual, erect  and between pole and focus

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