Class X Electric Motor


It is a device which convert electric energy into mechanical energy.


A motor works on the principle that when a rectangular coil is placed in a magnetic field and current is passed through it, a force acts on the coil which rotates it continuously.


Electric motor consists of a rectangular coil which is mounted between two strong field magnets, spit rings, brushes fixed as shown in the diagram.

1. Rectangular coil:It is a coil of insulated copper wire.

2. Strong field magnet:Rectangular coil is placed between two strong magnets which provide strong magnetic field.
3. Split rings:Split rings reverse the direction of current in regular coil.
4. Brushes:These brushes act as contact between split rings and terminal battery.


1. When current is passed through coil, arm AB and CD experiences force.

2. On applying fleming's left hand rule on arm AB it experiences force in downward direction and arm CD experiences force in upward direction.

3. Two equal and opposite forces are acting on the coil and their line of action is different  so the coil rotates continuously.

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